Tag Archives: pictures

Happy Turkey Day!

22 Nov

Happy Thanksgiving, dreamers! Today is one of the only days when you can eat until you’re about to explode and not feel bad about it!


So, how have you all been? I must apologize for my not blogging for, like, two weeks. I was in St. Thomas, where I had to survive without the Internet for a week. Then I came home. And I was jet lagged. And really lazy. But none of that matters! I’m blogging now!

Do expect pictures from St. Thomas when I actually feel like uploading them off my camera. WOO LAZYY!

Well, anyways, I hope this fine fall day does you well. And EAT SO MUCH IT HURTS WOO GO FOOD I LOVE YOU. But not as much as cats.

Peace, Love, and Food,


C’est enfin le week-end!

20 Oct

It’s finally the weekend! I know, I’m like a day late, but I was busy having a photoshoot with my dog and cat.

I hope that in celebration of the weekend, you are as happy as my cat, who obviously wants to be a model.Image

His name is Pumpkin, and he hates the world. Minus food.

This is my dog, Noel. She loves everything. Especially food. She’s supposed to be a miniature dachshund, but she’s fat enough to be a regular dachshund.



So, in a totally random matter, last week I was totally obsessed with the Jonas Brothers, as you know. Well, this week I’ve found myself infatuated with random Broadway music. Well, more than usual. And it just makes me miss New York even more! 😦

Back on the photoshoot matter, here are some more pictures of my animals’ wanting to be models.




Peace, Love, Modeling, and Broadway,



Random Fact of the Day:

I just realized that I haven’t been doing these, so I’ll start up again! I really like taking pictures, but I don’t know if I’m really any good…